IWSG – Time To Refocus

IWSG June post.png

Photo courtesy of Pixaby

Happy June! I hope you’re enjoying summer so far. I’ve been dealing with two sick kiddies but we’re working through it. Anyhoo, new month means new IWSG blog hop day.

I’ve been in a not so good head space the last few months. It seemed at every turn there was something distracting and seemingly pointing in the direction that the stress wasn’t worth it. I was/am fighting a non-ending uphill battle mostly with things that are way out of my control.

All that doom and gloom weighs you down. It drained my energy and generally made thinking about anything writing related a sad endeavor. And no words were being put to page. Through it all, my Squad was there to hold my hand and offer slivers of sunshine behind the gray clouds.

So, with their cheering, I’m trying to get back to basics as it were. When I first joined IWSG I had been in a slump and not writing much due to other reasons. To get back in the swing of things I set up dedicated writing time. Having that sort of focus is what lead me to finishing Not Broken. I need that back. I have reclaimed my writing time. Twice a week, for two hours per day I focus on new words.

The words are slow going, but they are going. The doom and gloom remains in the background. Marketing struggles and low sales make that unavoidable, but I’m trying to refocus my attention on the present. Moving forward. Half the year is gone and I have nothing new completed so the likelihood of me getting out a new indie release this year dwindles away with each passing day.

But I’m *trying* to only focus on the forward momentum. I still have plans to attempt to do low key focused marketing on my backlist while I work on getting new projects completed. The doom and gloom thoughts are still there, and I’m still trying to decide my future in publishing, but I’m moving forward until I make a decision. We shall see how things end up.

June 5th’s optional question: Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why? 

Easy! I am a romance writer and proud! I read and write contemporary and erotic romance. People think romance is ‘fluff’ or ‘unrealistic’ because of the happily ever after endings, but there is more to it. Humans are complicated. Relationships are complicated. Romance explores that in so many different ways. Yes you know at the end the couples will end up in some sort of happy ending based on the story, but that doesn’t stop the roller coaster that they ride to get there. Human nature, connections, how people interact with each other to couple up, all of it is fascinating and interesting. I enjoy all of it and couldn’t see writing anything else.

That’s it for this month. Have a great one

Until next time


The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.


The awesome co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are Diane Burton, Kim Lajevardi, Sylvia Ney, Sarah Foster, Jennifer Hawes, and Madeline Mora-Summonte!

4 thoughts on “IWSG – Time To Refocus

  1. Jemi Fraser says:

    I’m another romance reader/writer! Bring on the hope and positivity and happy endings!
    I hope you get back into the groove, it’s hard for me to find that groove when life beats me down. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Meka James says:

      yay! And yes. Even if the couple struggles you know it’ll be all worth it in the end. It is very hard for me to find the groove when life isn’t cooperating. I’m an emotional writer so if things aren’t going well it translates into no words. Thank you for the well wishes. Wishing you all the writing luck as well.

      thanks for stopping by

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary Aalgaard says:

    Romance is popular for a reason. People like that feeling of falling in love, the pitfalls, curve balls, and the notion that someone will end up with the right one.


  3. Ryan Carty says:

    Getting new words on the page is such a battle. I’m glad you’ve found some dedicated time and some motivation, even if it doesn’t take away the craziness, the doom and gloom.


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