IWSG – What’s Next

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Happy November! Can you believe the year is almost over. Man it’s been a long one for sure. The weather is turning cooler here which is nice. I like to get cozy under blankets and relax. But you aren’t here to talk about weather and winter month survival. It’s time for another IWSG post.

This has been a different year for me. I set out to work off a self-imposed release schedule and actually had a loose semblance of a plan. Somehow I managed to write, edit, and publish three books. That’s the most I’ve ever put out in a single year. And it took a lot out of me. The stress was real! But with my squad cheering me on and being a constant source of support, I made it.

Now, as the title of the blog suggests, I’ve been in no-man’s recovery land since book 3 was released on Sept. 22. I’m not sure what’s next for me. I have the inklings of a new story idea. It’s been percolating in the back of my mind for a little while now. On top of getting back to the actual writing of the story, I have been thinking about how I would like to publish it.

I’m 99.9% indie with only 2 books with publishers. However, after this year I’ve been thinking of going back and jumping on the submission train again. Being indie isn’t easy or cheap. LOL Everyone has a different level of what they consider expensive or inexpensive when it comes to this business and for *me* 2021 was an expensive year for book production. There are plenty of talented authors who can also make their own covers and/or have ways to barter services to cut down on the editing costs. 

I am not that author.

I have to outsource for the two most expensive parts of being an indie: covers and editing. On top of that money was spent for promotions such as blog tours, I ran ads, and I even managed to land my first Bookbub deal. My pocketbook needs a break. Especially since I know I’ve not yet recouped what I spent so this will be another year where I end in the red. 

Submitting to publishers helps alleviate some of the costs. And while I’m all for that, I pause because:

1) Do I really want to give up all the control? I wouldn’t have final say in my cover. I would have no control over when I put the books on sale *if* I wanted them to be on sale.

2) Do I want to go through with the stress of doing a query and synopsis? That’s the devil, worse than blurb writing 

3) Am I that patient? Traditional publishing moves slower because they have more people to juggle. The idea of my finished project not seeing the light of day for months or longer when I know it could be out in the world faster if I self-pubbed makes me question my life choices.

Are those “cons” outweighing the “pro” which is saving my upfront money costs? It’s a question I’ll have to keep asking myself, though none are super important as the story in question hasn’t even been written yet. 

That’s it, as I continue to relax in my downtime, I have to figure out what’s next and how I want my 2022 writing year to look. 

For added fun, I’m answering this month’s optional question:

What’s harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb?

For me, titles are WAY easier to come up with. I typically have the title before the story gets started. The one I’ve been mentioning in the above post that’s been just hanging out in my head already has a title. I haven’t written a single word as of yet, but I know what it’ll be called.

Blurbs…yeah I will never understand how I can write an entire book yet can’t find a way to sum it up in 200 or so words that would make it enticing enough for people to want to buy. I struggle each and every time and usually have to crowdsource my squad for feedback before I come up with something passable. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you celebrate.

Until next time


The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.

The awesome co-hosts for the November 3 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie Lees, Joylene Nowell Butler, Erika Beebe, and Lee Lowery!

11 thoughts on “IWSG – What’s Next

    • Meka James says:

      Yes. I’m very clear in my expectations of what a publisher will do for me as far as marketing and all that goes. The saving of the upfront cash would be a big stress relief on top of everything else. Three books was a lot *for me* so time to re-evaluate for sure.

      thanks for stopping by


  1. nancygideon says:

    I hear you, Meka! I’m in the same boat. I was traditionally published for years until I wanted to write outside the currently popular mode. Then it was off to self pub. Thankfully, I have a great squad to provide many of the prepub services that make an author go broke. Like you, I’m about to attempt the trad pub route again. Wishing us both luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Julia Quay says:

      Thank you for the compare/contrast, Meka! Very helpful, especially since I’ve recently heard mostly praise for the indie side of things. Thinking I will stick with traditional publishers first, then indie on over if it doesn’t go well.

      Of course, I have to finish the thing first!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Meka James says:

        You’re welcome, Julia. I try to be as straight as I can when I talk about my journey and everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love the freedom of being indie, but man it’s not easy. You wear all the hats and it’s not something everyone wants to do. Gotta find a path that suits you and your needs at the time.

        best of luck and thanks for stopping by

        Liked by 1 person

    • Meka James says:

      Oh man, I’m glad you have a good squad of people that can help offset those costs. I’ve been dabbling in trying to figure out covers for myself. I have a few folks who are into graphic design that have been trying to help. If I can get rid of one of the big costs that would help.

      Good luck with going trad again!!! May the query process go smooth.

      thanks for stopping by

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Tanya Miranda says:

    Three books! That’s impressive. I can write three first drafts in a year, but doing the whole revision/editing/reviewing/marketing/promoting cycle for 3 books in a single year?!?!? You’re a beast! I’m sooooo taking notes….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Meka James says:

      Thank you. It’s the most I’ve done in a single year. I know others can and do produce more, but everyone operates at a different level. Having a support squad helped me keep on track with my goals for the year, but it was stressful LOL

      thanks for stopping by

      Liked by 1 person

  3. HeidiAngell says:

    The beauty of our modern world is you can choose to do both indie and trad publishing. No harm in having a few books in one camp and a few in another to help ease the costs. I say that, and yet I run into the same struggle of wanting to control everything which is why I’m still going the indie route though I long to consider trad again one day….. We shall see.

    Liked by 1 person

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